Annex D






Climate Change Scrutiny


8 March 2022

Report of the Assistant Director Policy and Strategy


Publishing the Strategies - process


1.        The council and city partners are co-designing a 10 year plan that will be informed by three strategies currently being developed which cover climate change, economic growth and health and wellbeing. 

2.        To reduce complexity and help residents understand the interdependencies between the strategies and 10 year plan, the consultation to shape these strategies needs to take place at the same time, where possible.


3.        The strategies and 10 year plan needs to be adopted by Council on behalf of the city before residents are then invited to engage in the draft devolution deal – this is because the strategies and 10 year plan will describe what the city would like (its ambitions) and the devolution deal is a mechanism that can deliver these ambitions.


4.        This means there needs to be a clear process to get from draft, through engagement and consultation and into final approval and adoption on behalf of the city.


5.        The council is following a sustainable approach to developing the city’s ambitions for the decade ahead.  The goal of sustainability is to, “create and maintain conditions, under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic, and other requirements of present and future generations.”

6.        This means that sustainable approaches need to consider the interdependencies between actions that might affect the environment, society, and the economy. To this end, the council is developing three strategies to inform city-wide direction over the next decade.  These strategies cover health and wellbeing, economic growth and climate change.

7.        The economic and climate change strategies are being designed through extensive consultation with residents and partners.  The 10 year plan will be produced following a series of workshops with partners.  The health and wellbeing strategy is being developed with the Health and Wellbeing Board and is on a slightly longer timescale, with an overview available in the Summer and publication due in the Autumn. 

8.        To make it easier for the audiences, including partners and residents, to understand the relationship between economy, climate change and the 10 year plan, it is recommended the engagement and refinement process takes place at the same time.

9.        The refinement process includes a resident engagement process April – June and targeted resident focus groups throughout April. A report about the outcome of resident engagement will be provided as an annex for Council.

10.    To support the next major consultation exercise - the devolution deal - the consultation process for the strategies and 10 year plan will take place before the devolution consultation.  This is because the strategies and 10 year plan set the ambition, with the devolution deal being a mechanism to deliver these ambitions.



11.    The Resident Engagement Strategy was approved by Executive in April 2021, with the Economic Strategy engagement approved in an Executive Decision Session in May 2021 and Climate Change engagement discussed at Scrutiny in July 2021.  It describes a staged approach to resident engagement, with the engage and refine being the final stage of strategy development. 

12.    This engagement and refinement process has been established to give optimum opportunity for the city (residents, businesses and partners) to scrutinise the strategies and 10 year plan. 



a.   Scrutiny are asked to note the below engagement and refinement process:





Executive approve drafts for consultation

21 April



8 week Consultation and engagement

Including focus groups, online survey, stakeholder round table and city leaders discussions

Scrutiny review


8 April Climate Change


23 May CCSM


Executive recommend to Council adoption on behalf of the city

23 June



Council adopts on behalf of the city



14 July

*Consultation feedback report and Health and Wellbeing Strategy overview




13.    Internal workshops have taken place, together with the Portfolio holders about the need to align the strategies.  

14.    Partners are contributing to the development of the 10 year plan through a series of workshops (taking place from March – a separate paper will follow detailing the workshop programme). 

15.    The residents’ attitudinal survey has shaped the strategies with more targeted focus groups to explore strategic themes taking place throughout April alongside the broader consultation.

16.    The strategies themselves will be subject to a refine and engage process throughout April-June.

Council Plan


17.    The council plan is at the heart of the strategies which responds to the priorities well paid jobs and an inclusive economy and a cleaner and greener city.



·           Financial none

·           Human Resources (HR) (none

·           Equalities an Equalities Impact Assessment will be completed for each of the strategies and 10 year plan together with the engagement plan to encourage broad engagement in the consultation planned for April-June 2022.

·           Legal The Constitution notes the requirement to approve the 10 year plan, Climate Change and Health and Wellbeing strategies at Full Council.  The economic strategy only need be approved at Executive, however it has interdependencies with the other strategies and directly supports delivery of the city’s ambitions. Any issues requiring legal support will be addressed as and when they arise.

·           Crime and Disorder none       

·           Information Technology (IT) none

·           Property none

·           Other Communications and engagement remains a core element of the development of the strategies.

Risk Management


Complexity:  Three different strategies and a 10 year plan introduces complexity and could result in a confusing and disjointed narrative.  By bringing the refinement and engagement processes together, it is hoped it will appear simpler for audiences to both engage and contribute.   


Contact Details


Chief Officer Responsible for the report:


Claire Foale

Assistant Director Policy and Strategy




Report Approved









Janie Berry

Director of Governance



Report Approved




Specialist Implications Officer(s) 

Simon Brereton, Head of Economic Growth

Peter Roderick, Public Health Consultant

Shaun Gibbons, Head of Carbon Reduction

Eddie Coates-Madden, Head of Communications



Wards Affected: 





For further information please contact the author of the report



Background papers

Annex 1 Exec resident engagement mar21.pdf (

Annex 1 Economic Strategy Engagement Paper - April 2021 Decision Session FINAL.pdf (

Scrutiny Report - Climate Change Engagment Plan - July 2021.pdf (